Wednesday, 4 July 2012

China takes first step

China said that they will not serve shark fin soup at state banquets!!
A step in the right direction for China.

Hope they continue :)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Summer

Over the summer I will be helping to create a turtle nursery in Costa Rica and learning about the environment in general. 

I will keep updating as much as possible and hopefully at the end of the three weeks have lots of photos that I can put up!

Hello everyone,

Here is my blog at last!!

It is almost summer holidays and I can't wait to find out more about sharks and how I as a human and a 15 year old can help them.

Wonderful events have occurred since I set up my website.

- Many more countries and states have become fin-free or are in the process of creating a ban.
- Many more people are now aware of what is happening to the sharks.

In the future I am hoping to make the number of people who support sharks increase and as they get more aware, I hope that peoples' attitudes will change as well. Sharks are so incredibly beautiful and should be respected rather then feared.
