SO…. I though because its a new school year and there are many things during the summer that I would love to talk about i decided I would start with an event that happened quite recently and then go onto what happened in the summer and how my ideas of the world around me have changed.
The People Climate March - 21st of September 2014 London, England.
Woke up and was sitting down at the breakfast table with my mother when she tells me that she is going to the climate march and therefore it would be good that I as a younger generation support what is happening in todays world that I feel passionate about.
Out we went on the tube to Temple with my dog and we arrived in a crowd of signs, horns and people smiling at each other, talking to each other without normal social boundaries. It was incredible sight to be greeted by as exiting the tube.
We stood with my dog and my family and friends waiting for the march to start, I wiggled through the thronging crowd and managed to obtain a "for the love of…" signs, I wrote in "oceans" because I really believe that without the oceans and the species within the ocean the world would not survive.
Finally the march started and the smiling and laughing continued as the thousands of feet marched through the streets of London.
People chatted with each other, strangers turned into friends through their combined love of the environment and making the climates voice heard!
As they say words speak louder then words: