Saturday, 25 May 2013

Unanswered ( A poem)


   I slowly descend to the sandy bottom of the dying coral reef. Seven years ago I came her last, and all I saw was pinks, yellows and oranges. Not a single thought of death in those colours.   

    And now as I sink down and swim carefully through the broken reef, my heart aches with sadness and I cry salty tears into my mask. Only a thin piece of glass stopping them mingling with the ocean waters around me.
  A few fish dart out and away again, huge movements in this watery silence.

  Will mankind ever realise how much we are hurting the planet, our home shared with so many wonderful creatures. How can or could we live with ourselves if the planets downfall occurs because of us? And what will the future generations think of us? Will they shake their heads in shame or say, as we do, that it’s not our job; it’s the next generations.

   I have witnessed heart braking changes in my home underwater and in twenty years from now my home could be no longer here, if we don’t act now.

   So please help now. Not tomorrow or the next day. What we do together now will stop our fragile web from dissolving.


Thursday, 9 May 2013


I start my GCSE's (public exams needed for university applications in the UK) tomorrow and thought I would put up some good advice from the ocean and general sayings about the ocean.

(Made by Jim Abernathy)