I don't know if many people read this blog or if its often visited but I wanted to let anyone who does that I saw some drying shark fins today.
I am travelling in Mexico doing volunteer work with animals. As I was exploring the markets I wandered into a food section where I was looking in wonder at the quantity of bright fruits and vegetables. However, I moved into the sea food section and as I looked down I noticed some cardboard sheets that were underneath a counter. I actually stepped back when I realized that they were drying shark fins.

And the most shocking thing was the size of the fins
They were so small

I knew that a lot of Central American countries shark finned but this was the first time I had probably seen them just displayed for anyone to see.
I don't exactly know what I am going to do. Whether I go back to the market in the next few days and ask about it or whether its better to spread the awareness I don't know quite yet to do but I will keep this blog updated.