Thursday, 23 February 2017

In memory of Rob Stewart

I wrote the post below a few days after Rob Steward passed away peacefully below the ocean waves. He was someone I had always wanted to meet and someone who had a serious impact on my life as his documentary made me realise many things about the marine world and human civilisation but I think the most important thing was that he never gave up hope and in his book and other documentaries he truly believed that we as humans could and would change for the better of our world. His optimism was amazing considering what he faced documenting the slaughter of his favourite animal, but he never wavered he was beyond brave and now its up to us to continue his legacy and making sure that marine animals voices are heard no matter what.

Here is the post:

"My favourite conservationist and idol was found peacefully at the bottom of the ocean on Friday after more than 50 hours of searching. 
He was in the middle of making his second film Sharkwater: Extinction. To me, Rob Stewart was someone I aspired to be like, his first film Sharkwater (exposing the shark finning industry) was the first film I watched when it dawned on me that I wanted to be a marine biologist so I could study and save sharks. From then on my world became shark focused and I would wake up with a renewed passion to save and learn more about these beautiful creatures. 
His death is a great loss to the world of conservation and we must now fulfil what he was unable to do and bring awareness of the underwater world filled with magic and wonder. We must realise that without the oceans our planet will not survive. Without Rob Stewart’s film I may not have realised my passion and for that I am forever grateful. 
He took chances and now it’s up to us to keep on taking chances in this uncertain world and use our voices for those who are misunderstood.
Rest easy, ocean warrior."

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