Monday, 27 February 2017

Kelly Slater and the whole story

As a young social media absorbing women I read the article about Kelly Slater (champion surfer) suggesting a culling of sharks near Reunion with sadness as he is known to be outspoken about shark conservation.
However, reading a post by Captain Paul Watson (Captain of Sea Shepherd) about the meaning behind Kelly Slaters words really hit me as it makes me realise that a lot of news only covered the emotionally triggering part of the story (which is how you get people attention) but a lot of people did and do not stop to read the full story.

Kelly Slater was reacting to the death of a young surfer at Reunion which is a place where shark attacks are frequent, when talking to Captain Paul Watson he stated that he didn't think culling sharks was the solution but that he (Kelly Slater) would like to work with conservationists, scientists and surfers to try to find a solution to the number of shark attacks.

The two articles I read are below, one against Kelly and one for him:
- The Guardian article on Kelly's Statement on shark culling
- Captain Paul Watsons statement and conversation about Kelly Slater's statement.

A spotted Eagle Ray on dive in the Galapagos

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